
Confessions of Little Big Planet (version in English)

      To start this text I have to be frank with you: I thought a game very childish and not take him seriously. The first time I saw the box it was in a store . And today I can see how I`m wrong! In addition to I do not play it yet.
Question:  What about game I`m talking to?
 Answer:  Little Big Planet!

Little Big Planet
      Well, let`s go to my confession: I did not have passed by classes with my boyfriend yet. All my single girl time I went to bookstore and gave a complete round by store (it was normal) and in the day I saw the Little Big Planet  cover I had no idea whatabout game was and I thought the character  had woof face and I didn’t  believe in the product (nothing as Mr. Time to teach us).
I remember this when I see the game`s character.
       After the classes and more understood, today I have some games that I like to follow alone. And when I was looking for interesting videos games that I crossed with this game and saw at first time in the ninja level in BrkEdu channel (for that do not know him, he`s a Brazilian that lives in Canada and produces independent games). After that I made a point to see all 11 episodes that make up the historical version. And I swear that I was crazy to try to play. The game was released in 2008 by Sony (PS3, PSvita, PSP). The game development I think a little superficial, but the great in it is not the screenplay but your power of the change.

      The game has the central idea (besides of fact that the figures are like cartoon) is to be customizable. In others words, the game has History mode and during the way you can capture items that personalize the character (so, it has that wood face only in the beginning). And in this point that the game win, because they are not just items to wear and yes it is a search for color and texture very interesting.

      Further if we consider that the modes are related to world map, that we know very well. So the character passes by locals like India, Japan, Mexico and so on. And the mode become interesting just by total characterization – the player immerses in that culture, in that colors in a unique way! I know that the word unique is a little heavy, but I have to be frank with you. Because it is not an imitation but yes a reading from references that culture. A good example from this is when the character goes to Japan and the mode begin from right to left – thus making the relationship so that they read.

Phase of the savannah

Phase of India (note the background)

      Without forgetting to mention that the physics is applied to the game. I do not know how this affects the game because I did not play. But looking is very interesting as it gives more realism and is another way to explore the platform style. In addition to creating an identity in the game - as the author of the video I talk followed the physics of leverage is more related to this game. For who is interested let me down here I watched the playlist and also the site of the game that has a fan in addition to material of the study also provides images of the game for the curious.

 More informations:
  Site do Jogo
  Playlist do jogo